Over years of observation, I have learned that everything you do comes with a price. What do I mean by this? Take this as an example; lets say you cast a spell to receive good luck, you gain some good luck and you go on having a good day, but later misfortune will enter your life to balance out the good luck you received, or you will cause another some misfortune.
It is the universal law of the universe, that with every action there is a reaction. With everything you take, something must be given back, and with everything you give, things shall be given to you.
I see people wanting to achieve much power, be it financial, spiritual, physical, etc. and don't even realize the cost they'll have to pay to get it. The more one wants, the more one will have to sacrifice. So the next time you set out to obtain something, ask yourself: What price am I willing to pay to achieve it?
You can't label a theory based on something not physical a law. We cannot measure subtle energy by scientific means, so we cannot apply scientific terms on it past theory. Not all believe in that sort of balance and you have to factor in a much larger picture that we don't know all the details of. Going by this, you cannot say %100 that misfortune you recieved is because you cast a spell for fortune before. It might be something that didn't relate to you at all that affected your day as energy is largely thought to be interconnected and vast.
Also, I have troubles with people sanctioning off nearly everything in a dualistic or three pronged manner. Positive, negative, and neutral are subjective terms, not actualities. Yes, balance is a major factor in many practices and in the lives of many practitioners (even mundane folk). But to list off everything as positive, negative, or neutral, when you are only thinking in your point of view, is very narrow at best. Something that is negative may turn out to be something that you needed to happen, or something that ultimately did good by others. Same goes with positive things actually being negative in the long run or negative to other people.
Balance is less like a scale and more like a flow. There is no denying that balance is a law of nature. However, you have to again factor in the fact that we, as individuals, cannot see the entire picture. This makes for the variable present in everything (thus being unable to control all factors within a situation). If anything, I would consider that a law, based solely on our physicality. Even science has variables that we cannot control, as nothing the exact same ever happens twice.
The Law of Equivalent Exchange only applies to fictional alchemy. I have a friend who was the most humble and selfless person. She has always helped others without any expectation of repayment. 2 years ago a tornado destroyed her house taking away what little she had. Tell me, where is the equivalency in that? Or what about fat cat bureaucrats who live there entire lives milking the poor for every last dime and live a long life with a fortune of blood money under their pillow? Where is their equivalency? There is some truth behind the lie, but one must take a step back sometimes.
In Vermont it is a very common belief and deep rooted belief that like what you said everything but comes with a price (equilibrium. The most common example of this is in Vermont is the weather. When you watch the weather you will often find that if you receive 4 days of sunny weather you will receive 4 days of cloudy weather. Or a half a week of cold weather, a week of warm weather, and another half week of cold weather. Or one year consisting of a really cold winter and cool summer, while to following year has a warm winter and hot summer.
Just earlier this year we had temperatures in the 40's, then one day it dropped down to the 20's for 2 days, then the following day it was in the 80's, and finally on he fourth day settled back down to the 40's
I do believe that nature has that sort of balance, though one cannot say the same for people and their actions. Everything has consequence and it is not always what one might expect. Again, we cannot measure something that is not physical with physical laws of science. We can speculate and theorize, but it is a matter of personal belief until we no longer have an attachment to the physical world. Here again, I mention that there is a much larger picture that we, as individuals, are not and cannot be entirely aware of.
Until I die, I cannot deny or vouch for the concrete validity of anything non-physical (at least, if we don't find a way to measure subtle energy in my life time). Neither can anyone else, truthfully.
EisKora makes many good points to take into consideration and describes many things that I must agree on in this discussion. But we must also remember that humans are nothing but intelligent animals, and animals are part of nature which shows balance. So in theory we must also be in balance, just in a more chaotic and random fashion. The Chaos Theory describes this well.
The Chaos theory is an excepted mathematical theory used to basically describe that there is chaos in every order, that even though some actions are minor or seem random and chaotic at one point in time, they build up and become organized and balanced later on in time.
Every action has an equal but opposite reaction somewhat holds true in magick too. If you use magick to obtain money... that money has to come from somewhere! Either someone close to you dies and you inherit it, or you win the lottery that wasn't meant for you, potentially hurting the people is was meant for. I wouldn't say every positive has a negative because maybe that person who didn't win the lottery couldn't handle it and would commit suicide but every action you create does have a reaction on the rest of the world. If you make someone fall in love with you, the person you are meant to be with and they are meant to be with may never happen. Good or bad is our perception of incidents.
I wouldn't worry about the good or bad, but rather the means of which your magick will provide you with the results you request.