Hello. I've found a few interesting laws of old. These are taken from an Alexandrian book of shadows. They interested me and some of them seem to point out wrongs that have happened on these very forums.
108. However much they may injure us, harm none. And nowtimes many believe we exist not.
109. That this Law shall ever continue to helps us in our plight, no one, however great an injury or injustice they recieve, may use the art in any way to do ill, or harm any. But they may, after great consultation with all, use the art to restrain Christians from harming us Brothers, but only to constraint them and never to punish.
119. Never accept money for the use of the art, for money ever smeareth the taker. 'Tis sorcerors and conjurers and the priests of the Christians who ever accept money for the use of their arts. And they sell pardons to let men escape from their sins.
120. Be not as these. If you accpet no money, you will be free from temptation to use the art for evil causes.
121. All may use the art for their own advantage or for the advantage of the craft only if you are sure you harm none.
123. If it is not possible to achieve your ends one way, perchance the aim may be achieved by acting in a different way so as to harm none. MAY THE CURSE OF THE GODDESS BE ON ANY WHO BREAKETH THIS LAW. So be it ordained.
126. 'Tis the Old Law and the most important of all laws, that no one may do anything which will endanger any of the craft, or bring them into contact with the law of the land or any persecutors.
127. In any dispute between Brethren, no one may invoke any laws but those of the craft.
128. Or any tribunal but that of the Priestess, Priest, and Elders.
138. Remember the art is the secret of the gods and may only be used in earnest and never for show or vainglory.
139. Magicians and Christians may taunt us saying, "You have no power, show us your power. Do magic before our eyes, then only will we believe," seeking to cause us to betray the art before them.
140. Heed them not, for the art is holy and may only be used in need, and the curse of the gods be on any who break this law.
All of these are from the Old Laws. I find them interesting and it shows that many here are or have broke ancient laws.
Alexander Flaunders was just a person who invented Wiccan (but some say he invented a BRANCH of Wiccan) those laws come from many Pagan principles, and since Pagans and Wiccans have close relations (like Christians and Jews) many Pagans still obey them. But a person should be 'guilty' if he/she disobeys them.