A sign or coincidence?

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A sign or coincidence?
Post # 1
Recently, my grown kids and problems they are going through have been laying heavily on my heart, especially since I am not in them. I was sitting outside last night, just after midnight, thinking of them. I looked up into the sky and made a wish on the new moon, for my kids, their kids, and me. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw a large, light brrown bird fly overhead, then it seemed to disappear, I heard it screech once, and then no sign of it. I assume it was an owl because of the size and it was night. I did feel a bit strange, not sure if it was a good or bad feeling, just strange. I live in a desert meighbrhood setting, not many trees
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Re: A sign or coincidence
Post # 2
Oops, I meant neighborhood. Does anyone have any ideas or inssight on this? Was it just a coincidence an owl appeared at that moment and I felt a little strange? If it is a sign, is it good or bad?
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Re: A sign or coincidence?
Post # 3
Not every slight thing you experience is a sign.
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Re: A sign or coincidence?
Post # 4
It could have been a sign, as opposed to the comment above, but
owls have a terrible symbolism as they represent evil, night, tragedy, but the Greeks believed them to represent wisdom, loyalty, and protection. Each meaning contradict each other though. I believe what the Greeks believed about owls.
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