Help with item

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Help with item
Post # 1
I need some help i ain't a big fan of wands, so i was wondering: Is there any way to turn an regular ring into a magical item for casting spells? (make it like a wand i mean)
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Re: Help with item
Post # 2
instead of a wand you would like to use a ring?
Interesting idea...

Im sure there is a way...Unfortunetley I cant think of it at the moment...bless it...or just use a ring that has a magical feeling maybe?

Im wrong in every department when it comes to items like wands.

Sorry...hope you get a better answer soon =]
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Re: Help with item
Post # 3
Do what works best for you. Simply consecrate and bless it/purify it etc and put your energy into it then work with it. You don't need any special procedure.

When I purify things I simply take a bit of each of the elements.. water for water, incense for air, a candle for fire, and salt or crystals for the earth, and I wave the object through the incense smoke, then drip a little water onto it, and sprinkle some salt over it, then let it be warmed by the flame of the candle.. saying each time "Let this *object name* be purified by the power of *this element*" and then I say a little bit about the element.. like "Let this crystal be purified by the power of water, which flows swiftly and strongly through the greatest mountains with ease"

It's a very personal thing, everyone has their own way of doing it.

To charge an object for ritual usage, you can do many things... you can let it be charged by one element or by all of them. If you want it to take on the power of the earth, then bury it shallowly and let it rest in the earth for a day, if you want it to be a feminine tool then let it rest under the light of a full moon for a night or two. If you want it to be a masculine tool then let it rest under the light of the hot sun for a day or two.

For wind, simply let it rest outside on a windy day, perhaps cradled in the branches of a tree where it will get more air rushing over it. For water let it rest by a stream, etc... theres a lot of things you could do. For fire I suppose you could let it rest on some used coals (like in a grill) or in the ashy remains of a bonfire.

There are a LOT of things you can do.
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Re: Help with item
Post # 4
now thats a way better answer ;)
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