I would call your local hospital first.
You could possibly try various healing spells or reversal spells. I would definitely call your local hospital first.
What are your friend's symptoms? When did it start? How long is she afflicted with the condition? How old is your friend? Does she have an underlying medical condition? How is she sleeping?
Re: i need help. Now .Very serious By: Andromeda256
Post # 4 Jul 09, 2013
If she is dying, I agree with Ms. Murder. Calling the hospital should be the first thing to do. Listen to what the doctors have to say there, and then make a decision based on the diagnosis. Do you have any proof that it could be a curse?
Sometimes things are painful and scary but part of the higher good for what ever reason. What I would do is the following:
Go into a scared space however you do this, call in your guides/protectors.
Journey and ask your friends higher self or guide to come in.
Ask their permeation to work with them first.
Once at that point you can ask your friend or a guide of hers to show you the root of this sickness and ask why this is happening and what can help. Maybe it is a curse but more likely not.
You may ask her guides to step in.
You may ask your guides to help with your leaking of energy/sense of powerlessness - What is your lesson in this.
Sometimes the answer isn't healing it is about crossing over and letting go. Maybe there are things you want to say to her higher self.
This can be hard if the person is on a lot of medication.
I know it is never easy to lose somebody you love or watch them suffer. My heart goes out to you. But try the journey, knowing her personally gives you the greatest chance of helping in this way.
You are right in that sickness is usually linked to spiritual sickness on some level. This can be a curse but more poften it is something we refuse to deal with - self induced.
Go to a doctor first, then do a health spell. If it's a unexplained cause it may be a curse, so do a reversal spell. There's a health spell that worked for me very well, it used a lavender bag in it and ginger and stuff like that in it, I kind of forgot all the ingredients in it, but anyways you are supposed to sniff it every morning and it should give you health and healing. Also you could use the abracadabra amulet and have her wear it for a week, this is also a health spell. But she must try her best not to look at it until the seven says are up. Also faith in the abracadabra spell will also aid in her healthyness. Blessed be!