
CovenSpell Casters ► Necromancy
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Post # 1
Sorry I'm a little stoned right now but when using a spell to raise the dead u should know the persons name first and be near their grave correct me if im wrong
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Re: Necromancy
Post # 2

You don't "raise the dead" when working with necromancy. Necromancy is a form of divination in which you communicate with the spirits of the dead in order to obtain information about future events.

You can't reanimate a dead body and have it do your bidding. It doesn't work like that.

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Re: Necromancy
Post # 3
Yeah,it isn't possible to restart all vital organs with magick.Even if it was,we cannot restart the brain,and with no brain,there is no life.EVEN if the planets were aligned,exectly at midnight,with an eclipse,and all the supernatural forces by the side of 10 million magick users,and we restart the brain,we still have to find the spirit,so he or she can become concious again.So even if it is possible,it will be EXTREMELY hard to do,and will drain A LOT of energy,and I mean,A LOT.
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