please read this

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please read this
Post # 1
i have tried the spell goddesrg hear my plead make the weight i want to heed this size is too big for me a size ---- i want to be so mote it be and its not working i just need a good weight loss spell thats easy for me to do. how do i get one to work for me?
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Re: please read this
Post # 2
well first of all there are 14 ways to do this and it can be dangerous but a simple way is to think about your body getting to the right size you want it and then have that thought for at least 5 min. without getting distracted in anyway so dont get distracted and try it it probly help but i think u have to have a photo of the body u want and burn it and be thinking about it untill the photo is all compeletly burned and only ashesis left and then put it on the area u want to get it less and BAM there we go.
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Re: please read this
Post # 3
Go on a diet. Magic is not to be used for everything, only as a last resort.
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