I actually got started by watching Days of Our Lives with my mom when I was really little. This sparked my interest in magic. Plus, I grew up watching movies with magic in them like Disney movies and Harry Potter. Then I started studying all religions in 3rd grade because I was on the academic team. After watching the TV show Charmed on Netflix, I studied Wicca more and more. Now I've studied for 7 years, and I'm still learning new things every day.
Honestly speaking I couldn't bear to alone. So I made my own friends and brought them to life. Then moved on to the dead and kept spreading from there.
Re: Question for experienced By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 7 Aug 09, 2013
don't see how experienced practitioners only can answer this but whatever.
i have always been religious, in high school i took a world religions class, and for the end of year assignment i choose to research Wicca because i seemed drawn to it. it wound up really speaking to me, and i converted. but if you want to go back further, prophetic dreaming, clairvoyance, and the ability to sense spirits runs in my family for as long as we can remember. [one of those 'my mother was psychic, and her mother was psychic and her mother before her was psychic' sort of things]
What got me interested was seeing maternal grandma perform banishing rituals and purifying her sacre tools as a little kid I'n Haiti. And as I grew up an ring around my mother, she always used incense to keep us protected and spiritually aware. Then in my freshman year of high school met two wiccans and we formed a coven with one of my middle school friends, also Wiccan, and I've been hooked since. Though we aren't a conven anymore, I still do the craft and learn about direnet practices and religion.
I was born with my Third Eye open. After finally realizing I saw things differently than everybody else, I did research and discovered this. I instantly felt a connection to it, a sense of belonging. I didn't start really accepting the Wicca way until about 6-7 years ago.
Since I could remember I was always interested in magic and witchcraft. Its just always been something I want to surround myself with. As I grew older I got more interested and I started from the basics and worked myself up to where I am today. My great grandmother was also a witch, and my grandmother is a witch. So I guess it was just in the blood from the start.