spell reversal

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spell reversal
Post # 1
Hi its a waning gibbus moon for a few nights, and i know that its a time for spell reversal among other things,And am wanting to do a binding spell reversal. Thing is though, ive been doing some reaserch and their isnt a general binding spell reversal spell. the binding spell i did was this one:

Write your names on two pieces of paper which stand underneath the candle holder. On a third piece of paper, write both your names and draw a circle around them.

Place the candles about a foot apart on their respective pieces of paper, with the third piece of paper exactly in the center.

Light your candle first and say:

Burn bright, burn true,
heart of (your name)

Then light the other and say:

Burn bright, burn true,
heart of (lover's name)

If you have a wand, trace a figure of eight around the two candles, making sure to cross over exactly each time over the third piece of paper. If you don't, use the original inbuilt human wand - your index finger.

Say with each pass slowly:

A meeting of two hearts
if it is ordained
must come to pass.

Stop, take a deep breath in and out, and start on the second set. Three passes again, full fig. eight around the candles.

Let no-one and nothing
stand in the way
of the meeting of two hearts.

Stop, take a deep breath and start the 3rd set of 3 passes.

Two hearts beat as one
it is my will
and it is done.

Now sit down and focus on the paper with the circle and both your names which is the power focus of this ritual.

See yourself and the lover together, being honest and true together, talking, making love, making decisions. Just you and her, keep that completely clear and powerful in your mind.

When you are ready, move both candles together and tip them so their flames combine. Take the circle paper and say:

My will is transferred
my spell has been heard
As I will, so mote it be.

Burn the circle paper in the single flame.

Blow out the single flame as one.

Wrap the candles and the name papers in tissue and dispose of them.

If anyones able to help me to reverse this spell id be very greatful. As im pretty intuitive and get a sense that things havent been right between myself and the person this was cast on since the spell was cast and yes i have learnt my lesson.
And please no smart arse teens reply to this. If u aint got nothin nice to say, scroll on.
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