We Three Sisters

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We Three Sisters
Post # 1
Merry meet readers! My name is Silver Maiden, and this thread is just to tell everybody about my sisters and I, our coven. We are The Coven of the Goddess Whisperers, and we are brand new members here. WE're not really sure what you do here, but we are all looking for new Wiccan friends, considering we are all sick of being hated for being Wiccan. So, anybody here looking for new friends, or feels like opening the welcome wagon (lol) feel free.

'Friends by Choice, Sisters by Heart, Always Together and Never Apart'

Blessed be,
Silver Maiden
~ [x0x] ~
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 2
Hey hun. It's me, Blue Ember! Yay~! Lol

I get your first comment!
Lmao. Well, hope to see you on here alot.
And I seeee you!! *hugs you* hahahahaha.
Lol, you're sitting next to me.
Teehee, well, I'm gonna go to surfing this site,
Talk to you in a minute hun

Friends by choice, sisters by heart
Always together and never apart.

I love you maii sexcii wife. :3
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 3
i think we need to discuss the protection spell
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 4
Lmfao ohkaie babe, lets go!

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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 5
Lol wellllll welcome to the site.
Pretty much what we do here is socialize discuss topics on spells and the like. Also you can make your own coven if you wish and if the guy approves you. Lol.
I'm a member in council of Teen WItches. Welcome to our site, I welcome you with outstreched arms. And hands. Lol.
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 6
Lol, well, Thank you very much for all your warm welcoming! ^^ And I think I may very start an online coven here, hopefully 'the guy' approves me! lol. And what is the council of teen witches? Please enlighten me! ^^

Blessed be,
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 7
hello, i am online at home now, so talk to me
white tiger
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Re: We Three Sisters
Post # 8
Sorry sister, I gotta go now. Its 4pm,and my dad is probably waiting outside. NightGUardian is gonna call u later tonite, me and her signed up for a new forum and she needs ur help getting the activation codes, if you wouldnt mind.

Blessed be,
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