Writing your own spells

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Writing your own spells
Post # 1
I am interested in writing my own spells
but I have absolutely no idea as to where to start, how.
Would these self-made spells be effective?
Could someone give me any tips??
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Re: Writing your own spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The bast place to start with spell work is with simple spells for protection or luck. Making a "craft" is one of the easiest ways to understand how a spell is cast. The movements help to focus the energy. After you are familiar with how to cast a spell and the results you get from it you can them learn to modify your spell. You can start by changing the ingredients or words. Then you can move on to taking the words out and just doing the motions. Others feel the need to remove the motions and just use the words. Then again others don't have to do either they just think about something and it happens.
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Re: Writing your own spells
Post # 3
Atfer getting a shower at night get into a calm place and write down some spells with words or items and use all your willpower to make them reality. Vaula you have a chant/spell/ritual!!! But doing it on a moon phase mostly full moon and wrtiting it with a blessed pen magnifies its abilities. If it doesn't work then revise the words include different ingredients w/e you feel is necissary.
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