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No Subject
Post # 1
Hello everyone I've been gone for a while now but I'm back and would like to get help on some Wicca and mentoring inbox me if you think you can assist and is wondering if there were any werewolves out there to talk to :)
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Re: No Subject
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

In terms of Wicca you might want to start out with the main Wicca posts at You'll find some good starting information there. While I don't take on-line students, I am willing to answer specific questions about Wicca that you might have. I've been a practicing Wiccan for some 30 years.

As for meeting werewolves, there you're going to be disappointed. There are no werewolves here on the physical plane. The whole idea of werewolves came about as a Medieval misunderstanding of a couple of medical conditions. It has since evolved into the realm of Hollywood and fantasy novels. That being said, one can shape-change on the astral plane where you can take any shape you wish.

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