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Post # 1
I'm new at Wicca and witchcraft and things of the sort. I am also busy practicing grounding and meditating, which I've seen to grasp quite quickly but also I'm just wondering. I want to be connected to some of the gods/goddesses, and I'm curious as to which ones you are able to choose to connect with and with personal deity and things. Can you have more than one personal deity? . For me, right now, I consider Thor my personal deity, but I haven't connected with him yet. Will my personal deity come to me at the right time? Or do I simply just choose one?
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Re: Deitys
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Sometimes a deity may appear to you, or become involved in your life, seemingly out of nowhere. Othertimes you have to seek them out, or work to make that initial connection. I'd say it's different for every person and every deity. If you have some deities you are interested in, and wish to make a connection, you could always start by reading up about them and perhaps doing an offering for them.If yo

If you feel that you want to make a connection to Thor, he tends to be pretty easy to get along with.You might spend some time reading about his role in the Norse pantheon, his dislikes and likes, how he is honored, etc. Then you might do a small blot, or offering, or prayer, to get his attention and let him know you want to make a connection. As CleverName said elsewhere on the site: "Great offerings for Thor are mead and beer. He really likes booze. He also likes red meat and acts of bravery dedicated to his name.

Sample blot: strength_spells/12151/page.html "

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