
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Wil
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Post # 1
Hi, my name is Wil. I am not the sorta guy to turn to magic but sometimes there are no other solutions. I like the supernaturals (In fact that is my favorite show!) I like the idea to do energy manipulations and do cool things with it like TK. That is one of my ultimate goal. I'm also athletic. I train to become the best. Not just another guy trying to make it through. I am also a survival. Although I do not have all the survival skills I consider myself great with the thing in ninjutsu where you creep around. But I am not the best. Also I am a cooking person. Being a person who lives the way of working out, one step can make all the hard effort go down the drain. For fun I just hang out with my friends. Maybe toss some football around or go rough with tackling. And no, No girlfriend yet. I would look out for one in High School next year. SO wish me luck. No magic on this one. I want it to be pure natural. Anyway that's just about sums it up. Take care you guys.
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Re: Wil
Post # 2
Sounds like your a kewl guy lol, wat do u mean there are no other solutions to wat?
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Re: Wil
Post # 3
Well according to the stuff that recently happened. I am really mad and disappointed and now I am try to get over that. I know live is hell and I try to survive it. Some solutions I can't do without losing a lot and some can get me in real troubles. Not that I don't like a little adventures but I am a bit young for that now. I'll wait till I am settled.
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Re: Wil
Post # 4
Your life is an adventure my friend. You have been on one since you were born. Either way, welcome.
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Re: Wil
Post # 5
Yeah never thought of it that way.
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