Wish Spell

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Wish Spell
Post # 1
i was wondering, how long does it take for the wish to be granted?

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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 2
Why dont you do the spell and see
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 3
i did. now im waiting so yeah, i just wanted to know
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 4
so...no one knows?
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 5
try repeating it at the same time, but the result happens when it happens
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 6
gah! it takes too long!
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 7
Well if it was a postive wish, I hope it comes true exactly how you wanted it too.
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 8
if i where you i wouldnt worry about it so much or try not to even think about it cuz the more you think about it the long it will take
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Re: Wish Spell
Post # 9
so thats where I been going wrong thinking about it too much after
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