Please help me interprete

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Please help me interprete
Post # 1
this dream!

I was walking in a long hallway which i seemed to think was a school hallway. Or maybe a hospital. My dream self knew I had been here a million times before, even though I didn't remember. There was a woman next to me walking. I screamed at her trying to tell her if she stayed in my dream she would be murdered. This dream meant that people died. Something dark moved when I looked to my left and the woman kept talking, not noticing me. I kept shouting at her, but she wouldn't listen. I was then woken up, but this dream has been etched into my mind, and I feel responsible for her death, I mean, I have premonition dreams, so what if she was real and I didn't save her? Please help me figure this out. Also, please be legit. I've been stressed about this.
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Re: Please help me interp
Post # 2
With all these strange dreams i wonder. Could you be pregnant?
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Re: Please help me interprete
Post # 3
The true state of death is the most intense forms of transformation that can come about. From what you have described, it would appear that you may be some sort of impasse in your life and are heading down the wrong road. Their may be some part of your intuition that you have been ignoring, a part that has been trying to guide you towards the road you truly wish to walk. If you continue down this path, the darkness in your dream will consume you.
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