Hello, friends.

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Hello, friends.
Post # 1
You may call me Jiye. I have never before done anything like the things I have found on this website before nor was I ever a steadfast believer in many of the things I found on here, while attending a meditation class as part of an assignment given to me to help me calm my troublesome mind, in fact it did I now practice meditation and calm but deep thought on a daily basis. I have no foundation in anything on this website. I am familiar with some history of the various topics, but not all and hope to be welcome, I will try not to sound intolerant but please excuse my ignorance.

Thanks for having me.
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Re: Hello, friends.
Post # 2

Just remember not to believe everything, there are some history that are far from the truth. As for belief, belief is the main source in magick. Without it, a spell would be emotionless, and thoughtless.

As you did mention meditation, some meditation is used for enlightenment, some people can spend about 5 hours or more meditating. If you want to learn more about magick, then I suggest reading through some of the articles and some of the forums, also going through some reliable sites (which are hard to find).

You are far from being ignorance, just me we have seen ignorance.

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