I'm Looking for books

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I'm Looking for books
Post # 1
I'm looking for a few books on Left handed magick and history books on the pagan religions. If anyone knows the titles of any creditable books on those subjects I would appreciate the info. I'm trying to expand my library and knowledge a bit.
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Re: I'm Looking for books
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

As far as books on the Pagan religions I'd recommend these or starters.

"Triumph of the Moon" by Ronald Hutton (history of Wicca)

"Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration" by Phillip Heselton (history of Wicca)

"Gerald Gardner: Witchfather" by Philip Heselton (biography of founder of Wicca)

"Blood and Mistletoe" by Ronald Hutton (history of NeoDruidry)

"The Druids" by Peter Berresford Ellis

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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 3
Thank you :) Amazon is about to love me and my bank account quite the opposite. Haha!
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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 4
There is a book that I found that is about the Pagans in the Alexandra Times in the 1400's. It's more about the original Pagan's. It's called: "Secrets of Withes's Coven", By: Morwyn.
It is on Amazon, that's where I bought mine.
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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 5
Thank you for that suggestion. I'll definitely take a look :)
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Re: I'm Looking for books
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Umm, I probably would not recommend Morwyn's book as an accurate depiction of the history of Wicca. And yes, she calls what she is writing about Witchcraft but it is obviously about Wicca. I suspect if she is talking about the 1400's that she has bought into the well-disproved theory that Wicca is an ancient religion existing since the Paleolithic and that is patently not the case.

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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 7
Well if your looking for books on the LHP I would recommend The Catechism of Lucifer and Fosforos by Johannes Nefastos. If your looking for "how to" magick books that are LHP in nature then I suggest reading up on E.A. Koettings material out there. His complete works can be found at an affordable price on his site if your not willing to spend a small fortune on the physical copies of his books.
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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 8
No your right, the book isn't about Wicca at all. It's about the Pagan religion of what it might have been in the 1400's when those ran away from the Spanish and catholic/christen religion. It's more of what the Pagan religion was seeing we don't have many records on it. Or so this is what I've read thus far, just got the book 3 days ago.
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Re: I'm Looking for books
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

But you see that's the problem, the book is inaccurate.

First of all there is no "Pagan religion". Pagan is an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of different religions. And by the 1400's Europe was firmly Christianized. There really weren't Pagans still running around in the woods by then.

Secondly, the Spanish Inquistion was never trying to ferret out Pagans or Witches. Their interest was in Christian heretics. In Spain there are transcripts of the Inquisition where someone claimed to be a Witch and the Inquistion released them for being deluded.

If we'er talking about the "Witch Hunts" it is important to understand that these had nothing to do with Paganism or with witchcraft as we know it today. Most of the victims of these Witch Hunts were simply people who weren't much liked in their community. What better way to get rid of someone you didn't like and take their property than by saying they were a Witch. Most of the people killed were good Christians who feel afoul of their neighbors. No one was hunted down because of their Pagan religion.

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Re: I'm Looking for books
Post # 10
Here's a list of books I have so far:

Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (by Scott Cunningham)
Wiccan Warrior (by Kerr Cuhulain)
Crystal Awareness (by Catherine Bowman)
Nocturnal Witchcraft - Magic after Dark (by Konstantinos)
The Black Arts (by Richard Cavendish)
Celtic Lore & Spellcraft of the Dark Goddess (by Stephanie Woodfield)

Christopher Penchzak:
- The Temple of High Witchcraft
- The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft
- The Inner Temple of Witchcraft
- The Outter Temple of Witchcraft
- Magic of Reiki

They're still pretty new so I haven't had much time to get into them. Just kinda browsed over them.
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