Hey buuuddy...

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Hey buuuddy...
Post # 1
Sorry for the Pauly Shore reference. Truly, I am. (snicker)

My name is Jenn (many call me Pseudo, please feel free) and I'm new to this lovely world of magick and whatnots. I know a bit in general as it runs in my family and no-relation extensive family. I've had many oppurtunities to learn, but as I live rather far apart from my family and tend to drift towards redneck closeminded country areas (no idea why really, just sort of happens that way) I just haven't gotten to learn much. So I figured now is as good a time as any :)

Things I'm focusing on: making the moving shadows that seem to annoy me everywhere I go leave me alone a bit (or at least be a bit more polite), practicing under the radar so I don't have to keep defending my beliefs, easy (and inexpensive ways) to practice since even candles are so darn hard to get around here, a way to find my misplaced beloved cat named Larry, and maybe a few groups to meet up with locally.

Things I'm interested in: Everything. Not exagerrating here. I love everything. If I don't know about it, I research it until I do or until I can bullshit my way through it. Bad habit, I know :P

Feel free to email me at any time (email me for the addy), check out my myspace and talk to me through that, or just drop me a message so we can chat :) I'm a gemini, so I'm always open to talking about anything under the sun Haha
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Re: Hey buuuddy...
Post # 2
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Re: Hey buuuddy...
Post # 3
Thank you. :)
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Re: Hey buuuddy...
Post # 4

Hello and welcome to the site!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

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Re: Hey buuuddy...
Post # 5
I can't imagine that candles are hard to get hold of, even the white plain normal ones?!! Cause of you could get hold of them you could dress them in color.
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