How do spells work?

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How do spells work?
Post # 1
When you cast a spell? Who or what makes it happen?
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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 2
when you cast a spell you accumulate and send your energy out into the space for a specific cause or purpose. if you do them correctly you will get positive results (unless you're not casting a fluffy spell). As to what makes it happen, the answer would be you and your intent and your energy makes it happen. :)
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Re: How do spells work?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

There is an excellent book called " Spells and How They Work " by Janet and Stewart Farrar that I would recommend if you're serious about learning about spellwork.

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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 4
Funny that you ask, it's good that you ask, I don't know if you can write in all caps or not but I won't risk it:
I'm finally able to put this in a forum, spells do not make snow fall in summer or change your exam results from 6 months ago, yes I have had requests for both, and it doesn't even snow where I live. Magic does not defy the universe. Nothing works that way.
good, with that out of the way...
Magic is, in a practical sense of the world today, a form of craft beyond the physical, some do it because it gives them what they want, others do so because it is a part of their beliefs, others do it for both. Now, the main thing is our focused intent, focusing it, giving it essence, material, all that. But if you go back in time, humans discovered that chants, dances, colors, scents, herbs and geometries can help us manifest and focus on our goals and desires, so came the spells. They are means of better focusing our energy into our desires and wishes.
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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 5

I'm a beginner at Spells and I've done LOTS of research on how they work and the right stuff to do in order to perform them. From what I have studied, it all depends on The Will of the Universe and You yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, then the Universe will not grant you what you want. Your Magick comes from within yourself and your own mind. To perform a spell, you MUST have that desire for it to come true.
Say you want a fireball to appear in your hand. You perform the spell, and probably have to visualize that fire in your hand, and feel that fire surge within you. If you don't do this, how would it work?

It all depends on you and your own Will. Spells work because of your will to make them work, and your mind power (:
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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 6
I also forgot to add that Magick and Spells, depending on the spell you are doing, may take time.
Say you want money. Unlike that fireball thing I mentioned, this type, and many other spells, takes time to come to, and could happen ANYWHERE. You could find a 20 dollar bill walking along the street on a Saturday afternoon. Or someone randomly gives it to you.
There, now I think I'm done~
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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 7

Please say you don't think a fireball can appear in someone's hand..?

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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 8

When you cast a spell, lots can happen. It all depends on how much effort, and energy you put into the spell.

If you only half do it, you can't expect much as a result, but if you do a good job, you can expect lots as a result.

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Re: How do spells work?
Post # 9
Whilst having the desire for a spell to manifest into reality it also has to be possible to manifest into the physical world. Also you have to play a part in being active in getting what you want. For example you can't cast a money spell and then just expect it to come to you over night without working hard at work etc.
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