Need help

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Need help
Post # 1
Sorry for my bad English . I try to open third eyes for a long times.The only thing I know is that if I concentrate at the third eyes for 5,10 second with or without my eyes close , all I feel is pressure and throbbing in my forehead.
Is it open or not?
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Re: Need help
Post # 2
The chakras re always open, the thing which changes is the amount of kundalini/chi/prana energy which is flowing through them. If the chakras aren't used to the energy they will cause some pain (pain is a very strong word). The chakras have to be built up slowly just like weight training, you have to train your magickal muscles.

I would recommend some kundalini work to get the energy flowing first and not focusing on one chakra at a time but see it flowing throughout your body and through all the chakras, balanced and equally.
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