Hi, my name is Valerie and I'm 15. For most of my life is have always felt a weird sensation in my body. No matter what I was doing I always had a cold sensation rushing through my body. My parents used to think I was just anemic, but lately I've been sensing all of these feelings much stronger. I'm always freezing, but I'm never uncomfortable in the cold. Sometimes when I'm in a place with a lot of moisture, I even notice tiny ice crystals/flakes forming in my hand. I know that I have magical roots on my fathers side, and I was wondering if maybe these things are connected. If somebody could help me, it would be very appreciated. Thank you!
Re: Something wrong with me? By: thorleifc / Novice
Post # 2 Jan 20, 2014
if you have coldness and numbness in your extremities all the time then that can be a real health issue with your circulation. anemia is one thing, it could even be type 2 diabetes. I would go see a doctor.
as far as creating snow and ice in your hands that's just impossible it would mean that your hands are at or below freezing which would be a REALLY serious health issue.
I have seen multiple doctors. All of them agree that there is nothing physically wrong with me. That's what led me to believe that some sort of magic May have been involved.
Re: Something wrong with me? By: thorleifc / Novice
Post # 4 Jan 20, 2014
well, I guess one way to look in to it would be to do some experiments
when you get out of the shower and it is steamy in the bathroom can you create snow and ice?
can you do it multiple times?
I dunno... im not trying to be negative but when someone claims to do something that's impossible it comes off as fluff and not magic.
if you've got magical roots and want to learn more, about that then you are for sure at the right place. there is a lot of very valid information here to get started. if you are already following a tradition then there are lots of people to commiserate with here...or to find a path on your own
it's perhaps unfortunate timing for a thread such as this as the Disney film Frozen has recently been released I suspect many people here are anticipating a few claims of cryokinetic powers. I'm not accusing you of doing this merely pointing out that the timing is a little coincidental and thus you may have a hard time convincing most people (harder than normal as such claims are commonly dismissed anyway).
Now as Thor said extremely cold body temperatures are a potential medical red flag and worth checking out. I realize that you say many doctors have dismissed this but if your extremities are that cold then this is frankly irresponsible and I would get second opinions. A continual cold sensation without necessarily being cold sounds a little like a nervous problem to be honest and the cool extremities a circulation issue.
As for ice crystals forming I have to say that like Thor I have my doubts. More likely that snow and ice fall on your hand and don't realize making it look as if they have appeared from no where and I'd consider where and when they form. I too have naturally cold skin and get frustrated by snow flakes landing on my eye and refusing to melt away for a while but I'm aware that they don't form there. In all odds it is a mundane issue and simply needs further investigation if it's a nuisance at all. As far as magical causes go I've personally never encountered any form of similar events magical in nature and any claims of such events have largely been proven false. I have heard of a spiritual presence reportedly reducing a rooms temperature however that doesn't explain why it'd e focused solely around yourself.
Coldness and numbness is a different thing, in which case you should consult medical help as the others suggested.
As for the ice or snow formation, there's nothing wrong with you as you are probably telling a pure lie. One cannot form ice crystals with their hands, it is totally impossible. You aren't a super human and you do not possess any such ability! It's absurd and fictional and seems like you are roleplaying or making things up for entertainment's sake. Movies potray such things for entertainment's sake and aren't to be taken seriously.