Hi all! Um.. ?.

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Hi all! Um.. ?.
Post # 1
The names strive, I am just returning under a new account, and I wanted to know what books I should, or could get to best cover or help learn the following?

1.-Celtic druidism.

2.-Druid symbolism.

3.-Scottish Gaelic.

4.-Blood Magick

5.-necromancy, and Demonology.


7.-Consciousness,and perception.

8.-concentration,and will.

9.-metapsychology, and parapsychology.

10.-dimensions, and matter.
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Re: Hi all! Um.. ?.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: Hi all! Um.. ?.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

As far as Druidry goes, I would suggest the following books:

History of the actual Druids:

"Blood and Mistletoe" by Ronald Hutton

"Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles" by Ronald Hutton

"The Druids" by Peter Berresford Ellis

"The Pagan Celts" by Anne Ross

"The Druids" by Miranda Green

Then for books on modern Druidry which probably bears little similarity to historical Druidic practices about which we know very little I would suggest these:

"The Druidry Handbook" by John Michael Greer

"The Druid Magic Handbook" by John Michael Greer

"The Book of Druidry" by Ross Nichols

"Druidry" by Emma Restall Orr

"The Path of Druidry" by Penny Billington

"The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition" by Steve Blamires

You might also want to check out the recommended reading list on the ArnDraocht Fin website at https://www.adf.org/training/resources/index.html There are also plenty of great articles and other resources on that same site.

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Re: Hi all! Um.. ?.
Post # 4
Thanks every bit of help is great for finding great books to get to better learn this stuff Thank you Lark. Be Blessed,

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