psyhic abilities

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psyhic abilities
Post # 1
Hi (: well since I was little, I've had the ability to get get premonitions and things like that. I was able to sense good and bad things, know things before they happen, see spirits/demons(something that unfortumately seems to be getting stronger..), ect. They would come to me while I was sleeping and awake.
I'm 15, almost 16 now, and I've noticed that as I got older, they didn't happen as often. I was getting worried that they would fully disappear. I think the fact that I went through depression, stress, and other things over the years could have blocked it.
As I got into Wicca more and tried to free myself from all those burdens in my life, I've noticed they're kind of starting to come back more. Can I get your opinion on it and is there anything I can do to enhance my abilities?
Thank you in advance.
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Re: psyhic abilities
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Your awareness is being awakened again. Go with it. Keep learning, you'll do fine. Blessed Be...
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Re: psyhic abilities
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Fortune Telling.
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