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Post # 1
When it comes to seeking out deities for help in spells, communication, or anything- how do you verify which are real? are they all real or perhaps none of them? is it mere belief that makes them real, or are they independent entities in their own world? I know that belief is the first crucial step to making anything in the world of magic to come true; but then lastly, how do you contact and communicate with spirits who don't speak audibly?
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Re: deities
Post # 2
Why do I have the feeling your not seeking aid from a deity? If your trying to conjure a demon and don't feel comfortable discussing it here, you can e mail me. An answer to you question; all spirits that have been labeled deity or other, that have been honored or given worship over the centuries hold power regardless of if there was power before people began using them and feeding them. Meditation can help, summoning and asking to speak so you can understand can help, looking into the language so you can understand it can also help. It depends on what your comfortable with.
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Re: deities
Post # 3
Some are created by balive, some are independent, but most known in religion are by belive, or atleast that's how I was tot
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Re: deities
Post # 4
And guidance there is litle difference between a deity an demon, aside from do they require negative energy or positive, or energy from a higher plane, ore so I balive atleast from what I have gathered over time
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