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Post # 1
so i've been reading into wicca but before that i was interested in black magic. but nonetheless i was just gathering info on each. lately i've been more focused on wicca but i've been experiencing some strange things happening in my house. the other day i was on skype and saw a black figure standing in my kitchen and i then asked my friend if he saw it and when i looked back up it was gone, then the other night my lights go off while im taking a shower and i felt something push me until i called my mom. and now things are dropping around my house, i'm getting bruises and hearing voices say my name or just whispers.

has anyone dealt with something similar? i have no idea what to do.
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Re: help?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Sounds like you've got something following you. It could be a build up of negative energy because of your previous field of study. Either way, you should cleanse and protect yourself and your home. Invest in some sage smudge, there's also incense made with herbs for protection you could use, or wash the floors with a brew made with lemon juice and sea salt. Have a cleansing bath with sea salt to wash away any negative energy.

Once you have gotten rid of the negativity, cast a protection spell or hang a charm in your home to keep it from returning. Wearing a protection charm, and daily shielding, can help protect you. Even if you don't cast curses a person can absorb negative energy through our daily lives so cleansing on a regular basic is a good idea.
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Re: help?
Post # 3
Shadow people, ghosts, spirits, I would look in to these and make a protection amulet while im going at it and maybe cleanse the hose if I head spear time, and I dont think that it has anything to do with the wica, black magic thing, it could be just a corse also
p.s. Have you invoked the spirits or tried to, cause you could have offended them, send me the full story and ill nerov it down, anything that could have invoked it dosent mater how small even chopping down a tree
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Re: help?
Post # 4
Oh and seting up Smokey quartz should take care of it if its what the other guy said
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Re: help?
Post # 5
The thing is that people typically view 'Black Magick' as darker Magick or Magick that breaks one's free will. So practicing Magick in that field can sure attract darker spirits to those energies surrounding people who cast this type of Magick. I would cleanse the house along with yourself, maybe do a banishing and put protection on your home. Afterwards I would recommend wearing a protective amulet, and just being careful of the energies you surround yourself with.
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Re: help?
Post # 6
Exactly the same as signs of innitiation. Kind of like the super evil eye. Someone is looking into your life psychicly, to find a way to manifest some type of magikal partnership. Be careful. Follow instruction for cleansing and protecting. You did a good job of reaching out. Keep it up.
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