Power vs Power?

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Power vs Power?
Post # 1
I was just wondering this and figured someone else might be more knowledgeable than me: Is one type of magic such as hoodoo more or less susceptible to magic from say candle magic? Are rituals always more powerful than chants regardless of what branch they originate from? Nordic versus Grecian? A Gardnerian versus Thelemic? Or is it all the same and just depends on the concentration/will of the caster?
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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 2
In my experience it all depends on the caster, cause its like sports one person is a natural football player, the other not so much, for instance I never realy nead to say a word to cast a spell, and that kind of magic is much more powerful than a ritual I might use instead, but a nother person can do the spell drom dusk to dawn, but a ritual would stil hold more power, this helpful?
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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 3

One subject of magic (such as mentioned, Hoodoo) is not "more powerful" than another. It all depends on the caster, or the group, if you will. If you give all of your concentration and focus into chants, rituals, ect... Then the more it will be effective.

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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 4
I was figuring the same thing but wanted to make sure. Some had said invoking/evoking spirits was stronger than other forms of magic but I wasn't entirely sold on that.
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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 5
True it depends on the Witch or practitioner her/him self and Hoodoo is a form of magic type is when you are talking about candle magic,crystal magic and so on
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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 6
It depends on who is casting it, What is being cast and the strength at them. Also depends on if they are wearing any protection charms against that of what is being cast against them.
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Re: Power vs Power?
Post # 7
Ah thanks for clearing that up high priest.

And thanks to everyone else for your answers. I was just curious and thought it might be good to get others opinions.
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