book recommendations

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book recommendations
Post # 1
can i please have some recommendations of books because i'm creating my spiritual journal. and can the books be on the topics below or not.
different cultures around the world and their magics
and put some other books to please
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Re: book recommendations
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

For magic I would suggest:

Before You Cast a Spell" by Carl McColman

"Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"The Veil's Edge" by Willow Polson

"Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig

And for using runes for divination I'd suggest:

"Taking up the Runes" by Diana Paxson

"Runecaster's Handbook: The Well of Wyrd" by Edred Thorsson

"At the Well of Wyrd: A Handbook of Runic Divination" by Edred Thorsson "The Nine Doors of Midgard" by Edred Thorsson

Or for using the Ogham for divination I'd suggest:

Ogam: The Celtic Oracle of the Trees: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Druidic Alphabet" by Paul Rhys Mountfort

Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom by Erynn Rowan Laurie

Celtic Tree Mysteries: Practical Druid Magic & Divination by Stephen Blamires

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Re: book recommendations
Post # 3
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