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Post # 1
does anyone know any wiccan and magic shop
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Re: shop
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: shop
By: / Novice
Post # 3

If you are looking for online shops, SoM has one. If you click "Visit Our Online Shop" which is located in the left hand upper corner of all of the site pages, you'll go straight to it. I've only bought items once from here, but I wasn't disappointed. If you wish to visit other online sites, there are tons of them and a simple google search will reveal the billions of them out there.

If you are looking for a real life shop, you may also wish to utilize google, as it will lead you to any and all shops locally.

Personally, I rarely go into real life shops, rarely being about once every three to four months. It's not particularly hard to get to or anything, it's simply that many occult shops do not contain information/items for my practices. While some shops (including our's) have statues of gods and goddesses, these resin statues are not historically correct, they are cheaply made, and the petroleum distilates (among other materials used in the production) make them not an option for my practices. However, I do buy stones and books online. With stones you need to be aware of whether the picture shown is a bulk picture (like those used on SoM and other online occult sites that sell stones) or whether it shows the stone you will be receiving (ebay is awesome for finding individually beautiful pieces). However, bulk can be an awesome way to get fate to help you pick the best "form" for you.

Both have their benefits, and I wouldn't knock either until you know what you like best.

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Re: shop
Post # 4
thanks there was just something i was looking for
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