
Forums ► Misc Topics ► Convincing
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Post # 1
Is there a way to implant a thought into someone's mind? Like, if someone is annoying you, you can make them leave, or if someone is being loud you can make them shut up?
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Re: Convincing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Convincing
Post # 3
Okay, thanks for not calling me idiotic.
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Re: Convincing
Post # 4
Anything is possible
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Re: Convincing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
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Re: Convincing
Post # 6
I would argue that it is a possibility. Not only can it be done by taking advantage of the subconscious mind, the theory of clinical hypnotism and neurolinguistic programming works off the assumption that a persons mind can absorb ideas.....type into youtube simon pegg and derren brown BMX for a perfect example of the above.

I know of a few people who have written techniques to influence anothers thought magically, some were respected occultists....I believe I recall florence farr writing such a technique (it was definitely a golden dawn member).

Sadly I haven't tried these techniques and so can't give my personal opinion or experience on them.

As for instantly making someone shut up, isn't that best done mundanely by asking them? I personally wouldn't wish to control someone else, if I was annoyed I would politely confront them, or leave. If they followed I would confront them more forcefully...
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