Humans freewill

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Humans freewill
Post # 1
Do humans lose freewill when they die? I stumbled into this debate but it was off topic there so I bring it here. One member says we lose free will when our bodies die and we become spirits. I say if that were true then we would not have spirits among us. I know of several spirits that watch over their Grandchildren or spouse and I believe that is by free will choice. Opinions please. David

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 2
Obviously we don't unless a aotside fore somehow makes us

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 3
Who knows? Most humans don't know how to exercise their will when alive, nor do most have free will but are enveloped by their own fear and thus impotence to act. Why would they be different as spirits?

On the other hand spirits are free from those negative emotions, if they choose to be, and so would be free. As always it is probably an individual process, something which is unique to the individual spirit.

The first question we should ask is what is a spirit- someone who is now residing in the afterlife, an echo of energy, memories which have taken form, or husks- shells which have taken the form of loved ones in order to gain some form of one knows, there are only theorys. Anyone who tells you they know for certain is lying- they THINK they know for certain, and that's good for them. Personally I like to think from all angles and accept all angles as equally true until I come to a position, by myself, whereby I can eliminate some of the angles.

Blessed Be.

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 4
The way free will comes into play for me is that i turn my will and my life over to the care of god as i understand him daily and whenever i realize i have taken that will back. I can ask my higher power to remove that character defect from me.

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 5
You lose your will when you die, and thats all im allowed to say

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 6
And by that darkwolf901 says that he has no argument, but a overactive imagination, darkwolf901 you are wrong, I know because I can communicate with spirits, by the way where did you get such a ridiculous ide (im seriously asking not mocking, im curious)

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 7
By your attitude its not worth explaining

Re: Humans freewill
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
According my experience they do have free will,however having free will does not mean you are always making the right choices and you have put yourself in the right place to be.Some people confuse ghosts with spirits.Ghosts might appear to not have free will because they are echoes that repeat in sort of time and space loop.They can not choose to not repeat themselves ,but spirit can break free from boundaries and repetitive behavior as long as they realize what is going on and they decide to make the necessary changes.However from what I have noticed many spirits are very attached to certain emotional states ,certain places ,certain people and so on and they not always realize this is not for their higher good.

Re: Humans freewill
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
darkwolf901 if you have done a statement here and you are adamant about it you might as well add some evidence and examples that support this statement.If you are not willing to do so,then prepare yourself to be questioned, when it comes to your reasoning.You can not require from us to take your words and statement as self-evident and become totally convinced, that what you say is automatically correct.I can not say that you are having the righteous approach either, as in currently.Do not try to simply shroud yourself in some mystery and count on us to abide by it ,and simply refrain ourselves from asking further details about how did you come up with such a conclusion.This is kinda not working you know.

Re: Humans freewill
Post # 10
Yeah im sorry, if i say more as evidence its endangers everyone

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