I keep reading about law

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I keep reading about law
Post # 1
Some law where it is illegal to discuss witchcraft with a minor without parental consent. I am in the United States so I was wondering if I am just not finding it or if this is a law in another country.
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Re: I keep reading about law
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

It is indeed illegal in the United States to instruct a minor in any religion without the parent's consent. This would include instruction in any of the Pagan religions such as Wicca. You can read more about it at http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=556828

If you're talking about Witchcraft as a religion the law would apply in that case as well.

However, there are no laws against teaching magic to anyone, even minors. So if your idea of witchcraft is strictly spellcraft and magic there are no such restrictions.

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Re: I keep reading about law
Post # 3
Thank you for the information and the link. I never knew this law existed. I have disscussed witchcraft both as magic & some of the religious aspects online as well as real world without a thought about age up until now.
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Re: I keep reading about law
Post # 4
After reading the linked topic, I realize I have not actually broken the law. Still it is best to know the law. I am glad I asked and grateful for the link.
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