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Post # 1
So I whas at a party today and in a conversation Friday the 13 come up and baisicly every one their including me said that at F13's whe dont have bad luck, infact whe have crazy good luck including me (I typically have good luck but on F13's where talking crazy good) so I started to wonder that why do people in America say that its bad luck an if anyone ever in the history of the cosmos has actualy had bad luck at a F13 well wors than usual anyway its mor likely to have bad luck on June the 9th (joke intended)
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Re: 13
Post # 2
From what little I know it is just superstitious hogwash.
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Re: 13
Post # 3
If I am remembering correctly, the superstition came about when the church was trying to stamp out pagan religions. As far as I know it didn't exist before then. During that time anything "pagan" was viewed very harshly, up to and including being killed for it. 13 tends to be a powerful number in various pagan beliefs. Many pagan cultures tracked time by a 13 month lunar calendar rather than the 12 month solar calendar. If your people were being killed because of such associations (or if you had it beaten into you by the ruling powers), you'd probably become superstitious about it too. Wouldn't you?
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Re: 13
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Some believe it's unlucky because of the slaughter of the Templar Knights by the French king on Friday,13th.
Then some believe it is good luck because of Jesus and his twelve Disciples.
But I agree with Mindless; it's hogwash!
And by the way in ancient times (In Britain) there were only two seasons; planting and harvest. When the Romans came, the two became ten! Not twelve! Count them; Sept=7;Oct=8;Nov=9; Dec=10. Then a couple were added by the Roman emperor; July and August.
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Re: 13
Post # 5
Thanks, I just whas wondering because I didn't know why people where associating with bad luck, honestly I never care aboat the date... I dont realy follow the time unless I nead to know it
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