just wondering

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just wondering
Post # 1
well there is this thing that i was wondering if it happens to anyone else. It happens naturaly to me but when you see an object or if you are just looking do you see it as it is or is there more?Like when I look I see colors or patterns or shapes but evidently It's "strange" according to my friends.So is this strange?
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Re: just wondering
Post # 2
Yay, a fellow Synaesthete! *high fives* It's called synaesthesia, not usually harmful, you just link one sensory experience to another automatically -- that woman who wrote about indigo and crystal children is a synaesthete, also Diane Ackerman (I read her book "An Alchemy of Mind" and she's such a poetic writer.)
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Re: just wondering
Post # 3
well thats very interesting do you know more on this subject?
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Re: just wondering
Post # 4
oh and I can look at a person then look a little over them and see their out line and aura is this part of that Rayvne
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