Phases of moons

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Phases of moons
Post # 1
I wanted to know how would I go about going outside to celebrate each moon phase or is there one that should be celabrated like to do this with a group maybe at a park some where's special.
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Re: Phases of moons
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Phases of moons
Post # 3
In my opinion, be aware of the moon for one.
Then I suppose you can do the 'I relax my body as I breath in, I smile as I breathe out' meditation fir three repetitions.
Go outdoors, oreferably barefoot on normal green earth, not concrete, appreciate the moon and 'see the universe through it'. This means to think of everything it has been through and everything it is interconnected with (eg. A slice of bread was onve a seed. Smell the seed with your mind, then it was planted, feel the soil in your mind, a seedling sprouts from the soil with the mother's goodwill, then it grows and ripens, finally, what does not change decays, so the farmer has learnt to cut down his crops when they are ripe.) Experience everything. Then give thatnks to the moon; it has been there, every night for thousands of yoears, abd you have the honor of witnessing this natural miracle. Thabk the moon for providing light, for veing a symbol of feminine power or anything you feel like you should thank the moon for.
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Re: Phases of moons
Post # 4
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