If you know how to create a spell , please tell me ! I really need your help ! And the ways of create spells , I need real ! Thank you very much if you can help me!
Well the moon phase is important and your tools. You could use anything for tools. the most commonly used ones are candles, crystals, imagination, my minds having trouble thinking of them anyone add on if I'm missing something. Make the spells chant. Then figure out what you think you should do for the spell because it sends out your energy into the universe so it's better to feel comfortable with what you got. :) sorry if I missed something
Re: How to create a spells ? By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Apr 06, 2014
I know that many here write their own spells which is wonderful. But I also know that many of you are just starting out and may have no experience in how to create a spell for a specific purpose you might have. I found some great websites that I think you'll find helpful in learning how to create spells for your own specific purpose that are likely to work for you.
Some of these are very Wiccan or Pagan in viewpoint so if that doesn't work for you we can talk about how you could change the spell to fit your spiritual viewpoint.
It's not difficult to create your own spells if your not interesting in utilizing ingredients or tools (spells empowered by energy and visualization only) as spells are simply words which contain ones intent. Even then the words are another form of tool to focus ones energy on the desired outcome so theoretically will alone should be enough manifest one's intent. Often a spell will rhyme which I believe helps get you in the right mindset, but that is optional. If you want to use tools you can easily locate the color meanings of candles, magickal properties of materials such as plants or crystals you may wish to use, etc.... I've written my own but I've also utilized others, it just depends on the situation and the vibe I get from the previously written spell as to whether or not I use one somebody else wrote.
In addition to what "myname" said is, you can also use herbs. You can use candles, crystals, herbs, potions. Practically anythin you want. For spells i usually put herbs and candles. The color of the candle should cordinate with the meanin of your spell. For example, if you want luck, youd use green. Also, whenever i use herbs, i also add a perfume scent or herb that i like for a personal touch and turn it into a charm (i dont burn incense). I hope that helped!(:
Well hmmm im new to this stuff i was getting help from a star child she helped a lot ig but whatever ummm as i was saying im new to this ill take all the help i can get