
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Salutations
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Post # 1
Hello, i am Komiyan, from the realms of Facepunch.
Facepunch is the funnest place on the web, and is pretty awesome.

I am a dark elf, and look like the guy in my avatar [not getting hit at the moment!] .
I have loads of fun with magic, my favourite being telekinesis, it's fun throwing things around.

Playing games on computers [Garrysmod, team fortress 2]
Blowing things up, throwing things around using magic
Destruction of many kinds!
Anything that gives an awesome expierience.
Browsing forums

And that's it really, other than i'm an electronics enthusiast too.
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Re: Salutations
Post # 2
wow, HA.....
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Re: Salutations
Post # 3
*blank expression*
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Re: Salutations
Post # 4
"Blowing things up, throwing things around using magic "

*looks left to right....ducks!*

wow, he almost got me.

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Re: Salutations
Post # 5
just to let everyone here know....being black and have slightly pointy ears doesnt make you dark elf....neither does being destructive.

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Re: Salutations
Post # 6
*ducks beside Luzifer*

Playing fighting or war games dont make you more powerful.

Wake up, smell the daisies and then reality will bite ya!
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