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Post # 1
I've tried to meditate, I really have.
Now, I can get relaxed, it's just I can't seem to reach that stage where I can fully get into the zone (I have no idea how to explain this.) If you get me, does anyone have any tips?
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Re: Meditation?
Post # 2
Okay I see what happening you need to make your mind, your spirit, and your mood neutral not swinging to one area or another so that your mind is in a settle non turbulent stat where you can easily clear your mind successfully and be able to meditate.
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Re: Meditation?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I congratulate you on the relaxation!
Something I suggest that seems to work for people who are stuck on your stage, is to count breaths, four seconds of breathing in, try to breath as deep as you can, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds. Make sure you exhale everything and keep your breaths even, a common mistake is to exhale everything in a gust of air. After you do this for a while, you will begin to feel a tingling sensation in the tips of your fingers, try to walk that up your arms, through your chest and down your legs(This may be more difficult if you are sitting in lotus/criss-cross)then try to reverse the flow, pulling energy from the earth and up through your body.

The main focus is to feel the tingling sensation, if you are working on energy. If you just want to get into a deeper meditative state, then just focus on circulating on your energy and breaths, as you get more advanced you can begin emptying you mind and including yourself.

Good luck, I hope I explained this well.
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Re: Meditation?
Post # 4
Dont get stressed aboat it
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Re: Meditation?
Post # 5
"Normal" meditation is not for everyone. I, personally, am horrible at it. Mainly because my mind is always quiet and still unless I am actively thinking something. I use qigong as my meditation, among other things. I'll send you one of the exercises I do in a message since it is rather long to put in a forum.
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Re: Meditation?
Post # 6
Pick something around you to look at. Then, as you breath as instructed, keep your eyes closed and try to hold that image in your mind. This will strengthen your focus.
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