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Post # 1
hello I'm kinda new to this site but been studyin magic for years.but heres my problem I dont know what I am ouija says I not human angel or demon but a mixture of demon and angel mixed with something else in a human form.I know sounds unbelieveable but I need help finding out what I am and I need a teacher in magic because I dont know how but my powers kinda any answers or offers to be my teacher please help me.

ps wats a spell casting name?
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Re: help
Post # 2
Here's a good site for finding one's spell casting name. As for the rest... have you heard of the Nephilim? Unless one of your parents descended from an ancient Sumerian royal family, though, it's more likely the spirit controlling the ouija then was just messing with you especially if you didn't bless it or banish the space.
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Re: help
Post # 3
Yes I've heard of nephilem but I doubt thats it.And yes I've cleansed the area and said a prayer before using ouija but this wasn't only one time but many and the same happens with crystals.
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