Please help

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Please help
Post # 1
I had seen some sparkly dot in the dark,it like a painting with a lot of dot stick together , It also have color always black white and sometime blue and some dot can move i thing@@ just not sure.I still can see it in light but need a lot of concetration.It kinda wierd. I ask some of my friend and they said they don't see anything like me soo I don't know it is because of my eyes or what and I'm very sure that I haven't see that before.All I used to see is dark and nothing else . Does anyone know what happen to me ?

And 1 more I have read alot of post in meditation try everything but i just can't stop thinking. I thing it because of I can't watch my thinking like I watched Tv. Always have reaction to it. Can anyone give a tips ?
I'm sorry for my bad grammar.
Thanks guys for helping me.
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Re: Please help
Post # 2
1) My advice is to rule out all physical causes of strange occurrences before ascribing spiritual explanations to them.

2)Do not try and force the thoughts to cease. Let them occur and do not be resistant to them, allow them to arise and just rest there and without resistance they will soon fall. After time your rational mind will start to quiet down and you will see an improvement. Meditation (of the sort I believe you are doing) is not about trying, but about being.

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Re: Please help
Post # 3
thank you hadit93.
Look like i had wrong all times.
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Re: Please help
Post # 4

It sounds like it could be your blood presure, but i am not a doctor so it would be best to make an appointment with one.

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