A few days back I reached down and petted what I thought was a stray cat. A oppossum was looking up at me when I pulled my hand away from scratching behind its ears. It turned and went down porch steps and off into the night without incident. Had that been a badger I most likely would be mixsing a few fingers so must pay more attention. I love nature and always have but that one surprised me. Tonight a woodchuck was chasing the cats away from a neighboring pond where he was drinking at. Our pond has dried up awaiting spring rains so stray cats are wandering even though they have three, one gallon containers of fresh water put out at all times. It amazes me how the wild life comes right up to the house for protection when coyotes are out. My question is this. Is it just my imagination or do people who follow a witch, shaman, nature, magic etc path, see more wildlife than normal people? I know people around here who claim there are no small wildlife critters because coyotes ate them all or they never see anything but occasional rabbits. My wiccan friend one town over says they come right up to her too but her dog usually scares them. My dog does not seem to notice them, as in does not care. Coincidence? Drawn to us because of our Natural paths? or do we just notice Nature more? Thoughts please. :-)
I believe we do, brother. It may have to do with our deep connection to the Earth. Most people view our Mother as nothing more than a floating heap of resources to be mindlessly consumed, and reflect this rather callous, indifferent, and offensively cavalier attitude in how they go about their lives. Here in the region I live, the big thing is "wolf control"; It makes me sick to the core when I read these stories about how contemptuously these creatures are treated by ranchers. Personally, I have seen more critters and creatures than most people I know. I go into the mountains, I see deer and elk; They know I am not there to kill them. I know hunters that go to the same area with the intent to kill, and will spend a week and not locate or see any! On my property, there are Jays, hummingbirds, and squirrels that will get as close to me as they are comfortable. And the strays will allow me to carefully touch them. So yes, I am of the firm belief that our strong connection with the Mother allows us to see more wonderful creatures!
Re: Critters / Wildlife By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Apr 22, 2014
Every night I have a visit from a wild fox.I feed him.I used to get visits from a vixen as well, but I haven't seen her for a few weeks; she may have had some kits by now.
I have only seen a fox once; it was incredible! They are magnificent creatures. The most awesome wild animal experience was when a bald eagle was hovering above the car I was in, then landed...It was the most beautiful and graceful sight I ever beheld. Still gives me goose bumps.
Most people are too busy. Anyone focused on a spiritual path is less connected to the material world. Making us more approachable by wildlife. Kind of like a parents responsibility for a child.
Hunters and fishers and hikers see more wildlife as well. I've noticed wildlife a lot ever since I was a kid and have been Wiccan for only a few months. But I've gone camping a lot and my family has always been the hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, let's have the biggest backyard possible kind. If coyotes have eaten all the wildlife, then they would leave or starve. Also, if there are that many coyotes, then people should be able to notice them yipping at night unless they're deaf. I'm not sure if it's a notice things more or they feel more comfortable around you. Also, people who have nature paths or who like to go outdoors are generally quieter or try to be quieter so they have higher chances if seeing animals. Those who are loud only see bugs and plants. You kinda can't scare the plants away if you're a big, blundering thing. Big blundering things are very noisy and step in everything :/ T-T