Ice Powers

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Ice Powers
Post # 1
I think I might have ice powers. I can withstand cold temperatures and even make some things cold. Also, wherever I go there is usually a small, faint trail of frost that follows.

Re: Ice Powers
By: / Novice
Post # 2
No you don't, humans cannot do such things and you are a human. Some circulation issues could account for being cold to the touch or having cold fingers, being able to withstand cold temperatures could be you're climatized to the cold. I can relate to both of these, while I'm warm, someone who touches my arms would feel they're cold, and I grew up in the north where snow fell for 7 months of the year so the cold doesn't effect me. The frost I highly doubt, maybe you have a skin condition like dry skin or dandruf. Go to a doctor for a checkup to make sure everythings fine.

Re: Ice Powers
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Sorry, but your claim to have frost crystals follow you wherever you go is patently fake. I will remind you that role-playing is not permitted on this site.

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