Really weird dream

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Really weird dream
Post # 1
I couldnt remember i all but it felt as if someone was having a conversation with me through my dream, and then within the last few minutes I saw myself sleeping and it was like a whisper said 'you're as sleep we will talk when you're awake' or 'you're waking up we will talk more when you sleep' it was just weird does this mean anything or is it just a dream? Blessed be
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Re: Really weird dream
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
When you see yourself sleeping, it means you were projecting. Most people do it. It's called an out of body experience when you do it subconsciously. Purposely, it is called astral travel.
A spirit was obviously conversing with you. If you learn how to lucid dream, you will be able to remember and possibly even control such experiences when they occur. Many people use their sleeping state to interact and communicate with the spirit world. Just be sure to have your bedroom protected, your bed, or yourself. Right now, the situation poses no threat, but one day you may get yourself into trouble, and you want to have all your bases covered.
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Re: Really weird dream
Post # 3
Ohh thank you thats helped a lot I was looking into lucid dreaming a few weeks ago.
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