Earth Day

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Earth Day
Post # 1
I know it's long past, but what do you guys do for earth day? Do you do anything at all? I've always wanted to plant a tree on earth day, but never got around to it. Instead, I just tell my siblings happy birthday, because a couple if them were born on earth day. Also, my grandfather says that earth day is just some hippie thing. He doesn't believe in global warming (I believe global warming to be a blanket term for the severe global climate changes we've been experiencing, whether it's actually hitter or not) and evolution and tat sort of thing. So I just wanted to see what you guys think.
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Re: Earth Day
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I am not Wiccan but I think that planting any form of plant or simply showing you care about nature is a great way to celebrate Earth Day. From a religious aspect Earth Day is not a pagan or Wiccan holiday rather a national day to bring the environment and environmental impacts we can inflict on the Earth to the forefront of our minds. Wiccans do hold great respect for nature, though this is not something only someone practicing Wicca can believe in, and as such many Wiccans would probably have some form of Earth Day activity.
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Re: Earth Day
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I've never actually come across Earth Day! But so far as I am concerned, if it is a day dedicated to nature and/or environment, every day is Earth Day!
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Re: Earth Day
Post # 4
Honestly seeing people take a single day out of the entire year to care about the future of the planet is a tad bit insulting. To me it's just a day that's spent giving people a self justifiable feeling that one day out of the entire year they didn't throw all their trash on the side of the road. Every day is earth day to me. So a single earth day is considered repulsive. Just my opinion, of course.
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Re: Earth Day
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
I agree with chrono. Everyday should be Earth Day.Not just about the discarding of litter, but the indiscriminate destruction of the planet we live on! Immense tracts of rain forests are destroyed every day; for what purpose? For buildings? Furniture? Railway "sleepers" ?
In these modern times any of the above can be made from Steel,Concrete,or Plastics. I don't mind furniture made from Bamboo; Bamboo grows very fast. But, to chop down a tree! That, to me,is nothing less than sacrilege!
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Re: Earth Day
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
I am planning to serve food for the table by planting. Conserving energy is also important. Many people forget this day. It means that they also forgoten our future. Again, Happy Earth Day Everyone!
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Re: Earth Day
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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Re: Earth Day
Post # 8
Thank you for your insight. Most the people I talk to say every day is earth day and I agree with that. But in the United States it was made such a big deal when I was a child and they have special commercials and stuff in Nickelodeon and Disney channel for earth day on and around it. So sometimes I fell something extra special should be done. Like everyone in the neighborhood planting things and carpooling and walking and such. But those are thjngs you can do everyday. In America, we're normally pretty big on recycling, but you see it even more in the areas where there's a lot of hunters or whee the garbage men don't sort through your trash for recyclables(they do that in California, but never Kansas).
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