I keep having this dream where I'm in the woods on a full moon and I see golden eyes. I walk closer and see that it's a huge black wolf, but it doesn't look like it wants to hurt me. Just before I wake up it takes a step forward. Can someone help me figure out what this means?
It just what you said it was a dream. According to your profile you like wolves, therefore it's not strange for you to dream about them. There isn't any mysterious reason why you are dreaming about one, you're simply in a dream state in which you see a wolf before you on a full moon. Which in most cases one would be lead to believe you want to become a werewolf, hence the reason you probably saw a full moon.
Re: Recurring wolf dream By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 4 May 07, 2014
S.M.R.,you may very well love wolves; but I can assure you, the wolves do not love you!
The wolf is a very intelligent pack animal. (Every breed of dog in the world was originally bred from a wolf!). But, the wolf is a wild animal! If left alone,wolves have as much right to live on this planet as any other animal.(Including us!) Get too near, and the wolf will attack!
By the way, the only time you would see a lone wolf is if the wolf cannot "run with the pack", because of illness,injury, or old age. Nevertheless, the pack will not be far away!
Humans should love and respect all animals! Not just wolves!
I'm not sure.Maybe it was because of your strong connection with the wolves.When I was little,I dreamed about being in the underworld almost everynight.I dreamed about that same scene for about three years.There were demons but they never hurt me.
This post is actually 6 years old. While normally your comments wouldn't be seen by the original author, in this case the poster is still active which is interesting. I usually tell people to just be mindful of the posted date of the information as it might not be relevant anymore and some users don't like old posts popping up because of that reason, but I will say this was a pleasant surprise. Seeing Brysings response made me smile. For a moment my heart skipped with a thought of joy until I saw the date. I know Brysing is no longer with us, but his comments were always very insightful and having this show up brought about good feelings that he is still somehow part of this community because of things like this taking place, so in reality, thank you for commenting on such an old post. It brought about more than thoughts on dream meanings, at least for me it did.