Seeing spirals everywhere

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Seeing spirals everywhere
Post # 1
Hi, my friend is seeing spirals everywhere, literally he is seeing it in water his food peoples hair. When he stares at the spirals he feels drawn into them. He came to me for advice but I have no idea what it is. So do any of you know know anything about spirals and what they mean?
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Re: Seeing spirals everywhere
Post # 2
I would suggest your friend see a doctor or optometrist.
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Re: Seeing spirals everywhere
Post # 3

Seeing something continulious doesn't always mean that it means something. It could just be random and not mean anything at all. I would check with a doctor first just make sure its nothing wrong his eye sight. And if everything else checks out fine. I found some spiral symbolism links for you to read up on that might can help.

Spiral Symbolism Meaning Links:

I hope this helps you out some! Blessed Be

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Re: Seeing spirals everywhere
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
If he doesn't suffer from any mental illnesses that could cause him to see things that aren't there, then I would first suggest he look into the meaning of the spiral. Someone above has listed something for that. Then I'd figure out if maybe they are a sign from a patron deity. I know that when one is called to follow/honor a specific deity they will give strange signs. So check into what gods and goddesses from mythology are connected to the spiral. And remember that there is more than one form of spiral design. You have a plain spiral and then you have things like triskele. The differences can change the meaning of the symbol and to who it is linked.
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Re: Seeing spirals everywhere
Post # 5
I learned more today it's not that it's in his vision overlapping everything else, it's just that he notices a spiral pattern in everything he sees. For example the natural curl in a blade of grass or the texture of trees bark, he interprets it as a spiral pattern.. It's very strange. But I'll check out those links and recommend him see a profesional. Thanks you all.
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