Hello! I have been reading about spells and magick for couple years now and have been practicing my first spell "psi ball" for long time now(Still not really feeling it, I feel only some tickle).I am not kinda a guy who wants to spend money to books about magick or to some tools :( that's why i want help from your great forums :).Basicly, I would like someone to point me to some good free online documents/.pdf books and maybe some spells too!
P.S:If someone got time, i would like to know why I can't still feel my psi ball so well, I feel a little tickle and I imagine red(fire) energy flowing from my groundings through my legs to hands and I imagine a "door" opening on my hand and releasing energy and shape a red fire psi ball on my hand.
P.SS:I am not concentrating often, should I?
I'm still working on psi ball too, but I would try some windspells those worked for me or even some protection spells. I made a protection spell and it worked for me. As for not buying books try a library or downloading them :) or even see if you can find them online for free
Cool, thanks!
I don't really like any spells that need mouth :D Because I am still underage and I live with parents and it would be really strange to my parents if I would be doing some magick in my room :/. Thx anyway! :)
Re: Good spells for new memb? By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 6 May 20, 2014
Psi balls are not magical. They are a simple form of energy work that can help you sense energy and manipulate it slightly. Different people sense energy flows in different manners so it is hard to say for sure in what manner you will be able to sense the energy of a Psi ball. Some people perceive energy flow as a tingling sensation, or as warmth/heat, or even as cold. Others might hear sounds such as a buzzing noise or the sound of a bell. Others might smell something. A few can actually "see" the energy flows. And still others might have a sense of movement. Be open to any of these sensations the next time you try to form a Psi ball and see just what you might sense each time you do it.
Since you say you feel a "little tickle" then I surmise that you are indeed sensing the flow of energy that forms a Psi ball. As you practice more and with different methods of moving and directing energy this tactile sensation may become stronger.
Actually that's more of a good thing that you can't sense it as well. Tingling means the energy is conflicting and is basically subtle harm. No more then a few tiny pinches but the less tingles means your body has gotten use to controlling energy and its running smoother. However, your old method of sensing energy is now invalid and you need to find newer ways. Shouldn't be that hard.