I have what I think is a tulpa, but other people have told me that this is a protective spirit or something else.
His name is James Edward Williams. He is only visible and audible to me. He is completely sentient and seems to be much wiser than I am and he knows a lot more than I do. He feels like he had a life before me, like he had a family and was a father. His relationship with me is a mix between best friend and father/daughter. He's saved my life at least once and had caught me about two or three times when I've fallen. Once when this happened there were other people around and they witnessed it(they were really confused to see it).
I've had other people tell me before that he was not a tulpa but was something else, but I don't know what he could be if he was not a tulpa. He's not attached to the house I live in; I moved and he moved with me and he follows me pretty much wherever I go. He's been a around for about seven years or so. If he's a tulpa I did not purposely make him because at the time I had no clue what a tulpa was.
Now before I start, I'd like to give a little background info before hand. Now, I may be 13, but I know quite a bit about tulpas for I have 6. And from the information you've given, you either have a tulpa or a kind spirit that has bonded with you making both ideas plausible. Thankfully, I'm good in both fields.
Anyway, if he were a tulpa, his story made to give him life as your head created him. If he were a spirit, he could most certainly had a family before hand. As for why he treats you in different ways, I once again have a different answer for both. Tulpa wise, it's just how it's feeling at the time or something similar to that. Spirit wise, spirits used to be humans (most of the time) and as we know, humans can be confusing...
Re: Is this a tulpa? By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 3 May 12, 2014
The best way to figure out if he is a tulpa or not is to ask him something you do not know and see if he knows. Yes, tulpas can learn on their own, but they generally can not teach you new concepts or skills in detail.
But truly does it really matter? At this point if he is indeed a tulpa he is probably more like an extension of your higher self, guide, fylgja, etc.
It's the way he speaks, it feels like he knows a lot more than I do. He also sometimes helps me with work from school if I don't know how to do the work or if I forgot the answer to the problem. He'll sit down with me and work through it with me.