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By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I generally don't mind fluffies. I know they are still learning...and at one point, I was one too. Most of us if we start learning young end up slightly fluffy at some point. However, I do remember while learning that I ended up admitting being wrong so many times because well....I knew I was inexperienced and still learning.

Seems like newbies today that are fluffy....don't seem to realize at all they are such. On other sites (webs.com sites big time), they think they know so much. I'm glad here there is less than that. Creates a lot less drama.

I know I need to learn to be more patient with the younger ones, but sometimes I feel that if they aren't called out right off the bat that the misinformation will just keep going. I'm a very traditional witch and I guess seeing terms mixed up, rpg info being used, and etc....that I get annoyed.

How do you guys handle newbies that are very very fluffy?
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Re: Fluffies
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't consider a "newbie" to be synonymous with "fluffy". A "fluff", to me, is someone who isn't taking it seriously, is only into the surface information (and unwilling to delve deeper where it is more substantial), only interested in what will benefit them here and now, and is really just into it for the appearances.

A newbie can be fluffy, of course, but they aren't synonymous. I'm willing to help out a newbie if they show sincerity (and basic common sense), but I tend to ignore the fluffs for the most part. Sometimes, you just can't reason with them right now, they need growth and maturity before they will be open to more substantial information. And that's ok. I tend to just let others mind their own spirituality, just as I mind mine, ya know?
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Re: Fluffies
Post # 3
Fluffs can be very stubborn from my experience. Sometimes I would tease them for a bit of fun, but I do tell them the difference between reality and fantasy. If they don't listen to me, their choice. I remember a fluff on the public chatter claiming she was practicing necromancy since age six. Uh, no. She was being so stubborn and kept claiming her impossibilities. We all do start out as fluffs, I agree, but some never get out of that phase and give up.
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Re: Fluffies
Post # 4
When I come across someone with fluffy tendencies, I try to remain calm and explain the difference between reality and their twisted version of magic. If they choose to disregard my advice, that's not my problem. And hey, a shouting match between a "demigod" and "demon-fairy" always makes my day more entertaining.
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Re: Fluffies
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Well newbies don't bother me too much [unless they want information spoon fed to them] just be nice, explain and give them either links or books to help them.

Fluffies on the other hand, it depends on the person. I try to be nice, but if the person has argued with people on the post, i go with a blunt answer as these fluffies won't listen. I understand why, they want to be special, and being online they don't have to prove their claims, so they stick to their claims. Sometimes they are just misguided and once you nicely explain things they will understand. If you yell and call them fluffy, they will become defensive.
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Re: Fluffies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
Most "Fluffies" will,indeed, argue! And I do try to explain things to them,even though most of the information "falls on stony ground".
But every now and then we hear from a youngster who really does want to learn. It is then like watching a seedling grow into a glorious flower.It is then that the "teaching" is all worthwhile.
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Re: Fluffies
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Fluffies can be bothersome. But pointing them in the right direction is all we can do. If they don't want to learn, it'll be their loss. Too bad, too, as some are quite smart and could do a lot of good, for the world and themselves.
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Re: Fluffies
Post # 8
I'm a newbie, but not a fluffy. I started late, so that's probably why.
But i find them very hardheaded. So i take what they say with a pinch of salt.
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Re: Fluffies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
Yes! We were all fluffies as children. I really did believe that Errol Flynn was Robin Hood.
Much of the blame for modern fluffies lies at the door of television and Movies.
"It must be true! I saw it on TV." And children will always argue with adults. Some will learn, some will not.We elders must try to guide the young and fluffy,but if they will not take any notice,then they have to be ignored.
You cannot really argue with a child. They know best! We may tell them that mermaids do not exist.But they know that they do exist! They have seen them on television!
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