pure darkness in my ring

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pure darkness in my ring
Post # 1
there is this ring i have, i can sense the darkness within, but no spirit, i am pretty sure the ring is new, whenever i put the ring on i can feel the darkness spread to within my body, then disappear when i take it of, should i be concerned?
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Re: pure darkness in my ring
By: / Novice
Post # 2
If you feel there's negative energy in the ring, cleanse it. Place it in a bowl of salt water, it should remove all the energy. After, charge it with positive energy, maybe say a blessing. You could also place it in solar or lunar water after if you want it charged for a specific reason.
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Re: pure darkness in my ring
Post # 3
i considered that, but the ring somehow told me cleansing won't work, i think this may sound crazy but even though no spirit resides in the ring think darkness was talking,
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Re: pure darkness in my ring
By: / Novice
Post # 4
you could also try packing it in sea salt and burying it. this is a slower method, but it should get rid of everything. soaking it in vinegar or ammonia [don't recommend ammonia] neutralizes energy. if there's a curse, or something negative attached to it, i would place it in a box filled with sea salt [if it could corrode the ring, place the ring in a plastic bag] and bury the box. the salt and earth should cleanse and neutralize all energy. leave it for 2-3 moon cycles.
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Re: pure darkness in my ring
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I had to do the salt thing on a crystal that was beautiful, but filled with so much negative (dark) that it filled the room. I was successful in removing the bad, and replaced it with positive energy. It now sits in my living room sparkling clean and shining the room with healing and love.
I would recommend the cleansing. But if it fails, bury it and forget it, as it is no good for you.
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